Diesel, dammit
Enough of this foolishness. I'm sick and tired of hybrids. They're Rube Goldberg machines that, compared to Diesels, give worse fuel economy at a higher price. Here's one single example: Priuses have software glitches that cause them to shut down. Why buy a car that risks the Blue Screen of Death???
There has been a lot of yapping lately about alternative fuels, too. Ethanol, hydrogen, etc. Hey there Moonbeam, did you know that hydrogen comes from water, and the only "pollution" from hydrogen cars is also water? Yeah.... totally eco-awesome!
Guess what. Splitting water molecules to create hydrogen fuel requires energy. From fossil fuel. Or we could use nuclear power. Nothing's free, Moonbeam, so shut up about powertrains and get back to weaving dandelion crowns.
Not that it really matters whether anyone believes hydrogen fuel could work. Hydrogen power is decades away from being used in real cars. (But if you want a million-dollar prototype with a 70-mile cruising range, act now! Supplies are limited!) The biggest proponent of this waste-of-time is everybody's favorite steward of the planet, George Bush. He can say "we're working on hydrogen" to keep us happy while GM and Ford sell 15-mpg SUVs for another 30 years.
It's true that Diesel cars pollute more than gasoline-powered cars. But that's only because of an unfortunate law: catalytic converters, which capture pollutants, are required to work for eight years without maintenance. If car makers were allowed to build converters that required a top-off of a special additive (say, when you get your oil change), clean Diesel would be a snap.
But personally, I don't give a rat's ass about this eco-crap when the Saudis have our nuts in a vise. First priority: stop sending money to the people trying to kill us.
Second priority: help the penguins and Australians, who might be getting a bit crispy from UV rays.
Once we stop worrying about whether we can get another hit of the sweet, dark stuff from Sheikh Pusher al-BoomBoom, we can leave him and his buddies alone. They won't hate us anymore, and they'll remember how much they hate each other.
So what?
I'm not saying we should trade in our cars for a Diesel-powered VW McNuggets. (Why McNugget? Because they're small and awful.) That sort of grass-roots action is for people who get a hard-on from flaunting their moral superiority. And Shiekh Pusher Al-BoomBoom doesn't care if all the eco-weenies buy Diesel McNuggets (or Priuses), as long as the rest of us are buying normal cars and SUVs by the millions.
Diesel has a politcal policy problem, and we need a policy solution. Liberate Diesel cars from the catalytic converter maintenance regulation. (Such an obscure thing holds us back!) Or just relax pollution rules for Diesels. Whatever. It will take about 8 years to make a big impact on national fuel consumption... but we've been dicking around in the Middle East for 60 years, and there's no end in sight as long we need their oil.
Just imagine: if we had done this 25 years ago, we might have avoided TWO Gulf Wars, which would've already saved about $150 billion dollars. Imagine if the government spent even a tenth of that on initiatives to preserve the environment. I bet it would still be a net ecological gain, even if the entire national fleet switched to Diesel.
And oh yeah, we might have spared the lives of about 2,000 soldiers--and counting--who gave their lives for this country. It's painful to acknowledge that they might have died for a cause less honorable than the one for which soldiers died in World War II, Korea, or Vietnam. But it's just oil. If it weren't for the oil, the Middle East wouldn't deserve any more attention than Africa. Should more American soldiers die for emissions regulations? Yeah, I know it's not that simple, and that it's not a direct link.
But shouldn't we exhaust every reasonable option before going to war? Shouldn't we make a little more effort to cut our fuel consumption before sending soldiers to die? I'm not saying we should give up our SUVs (blasphemy!) or take the bus to work. Just let Diesel have its place at the pump.
What an uncharacteristically uncareful bolg entyr. Software glitches aren't fuel economy features; they're eco-weenie features. Hydrogen fuel cells, I have heard in a few places, would most likely be fed from oil-derived hydrogen rather than hydrolysis--a good point in your favor which you somehow overlooked while doing your research for this article. (I hope the argument on this one is more elaborate than what I can come up with: which has more hydrogens and can give most of them up more easily: H2O or long-ass hydrocarbon chains?)
How clean is clean diesel? How much maintenance expense does it add to make the small chemical top-offs you endorse? And how hard will it be to change over catylitic converter manufacturing (I'm guessing not very).
Your globopoliticobombo points are well taken, but is the damaged caused by Diesel pollution of the ozone-gobbling variety, or is it more of the poisoning-our-own-children variety? (See what I mean? Sloppy but not wrong-headed.)
Total side discussion:
And Vietnam? Could we have avoided it to begin with? Here's where my politcal history knowledge drops into the abyss.
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